๐ŸŒบ Fragrance Fun: Unleashing the Power of Your Scent-sational Limbic System!

๐ŸŒบ Fragrance Fun: Unleashing the Power of Your Scent-sational Limbic System!

Sadly I lost my Mom at the young age of 25 and not long after she had died I caught myself walking behind a stranger, not in the direction I was meant to be going, but just because the lady was wearing my Mom's favourite perfume and it was a massive tug at my heart.

We have all experienced being transported to a past memory, emotion or experience by simply catching a whiff of a scent - be it perfume, flowers or cooking. Well that is because we've stimulated our limbic system which triggers the switch of memory and emotion.

So just for fun I thought I'd unravel the mysterious connection between fragrances and that part of your brain that was once called the 'smell brain' (rhinencephalon) because it was thought primarily to be involved with the sense of smell.

The limbic system, tucked away deep inside your brain, is like a magical playground that responds to smells in fascinating ways. It's also the part responsible for emotions, memories and even your overall well-being. Talk about multitasking! ๐Ÿ’ฅ

This system also has an uncanny ability to link scents to memories. That's why a specific perfume can transport you back to a cherished moment or make you think of a loved one, as happened to me. Fragrance becomes the time-traveling storyteller of your life!

Thanks for indulging me in a brief scent-orientated biology lesson, and let's hope that when you buy a perfume, diffuser or candle from us that it will trigger nothing but joy from your memory bank.๐Ÿ˜‰

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